Apply for Study Permit to Canada from Spain / Solicite un permiso de estudio a Canadá desde España

Start Your Canadian Study Permit Process Online from Spain! / ¡Inicie su proceso de permiso de estudio canadiense en línea desde España!

Find out how you could obtain Study Permit from Spain and obtain Permanent Residence by study in Canada as international student from Spain. / Descubra cómo puede obtener el Permiso de Estudio de España y obtener la Residencia Permanente estudiando en Canadá como estudiante internacional desde España

¿Cómo solicitar un permiso de estudios para Canadá desde España?

Los estudiantes internacionales que obtienen una carta de aceptación (LOA) pueden solicitar un permiso de estudios. El tiempo promedio para la decisión sobre los permisos de estudios es de entre 4 y 16 semanas. Puedes verificar el tiempo de procesamiento de un permiso de estudios haciendo clic aquí.

Pasos iniciales para verificar la elegibilidad para obtener un permiso de estudios para estudiar en Canadá como estudiante internacional:

  • Obtener una carta de aceptación de una institución de aprendizaje designada para presentar una solicitud de permiso de estudios.
  • Obtener la PAL (Carta de Atestación Provincial).
  • Probar que tiene suficiente apoyo financiero para cubrir el primer año de matrícula, así como los gastos de manutención y el transporte de regreso a su país de origen.
  • Obtener un Certificat d'acceptation du Québec (Certificado de Aceptación de Quebec, o CAQ) si desea estudiar en Montreal u otro lugar de la provincia de Quebec.
  • Tener antecedentes penales limpios. Los solicitantes con antecedentes penales, o que representen un riesgo para la seguridad canadiense, pueden ser rechazados. El IRCC puede solicitar que el solicitante proporcione un certificado de antecedentes policiales.
  • Estar en buen estado de salud. El IRCC puede solicitar que el solicitante se someta a un examen médico.
  • Convencer al oficial de inmigración de que dejará Canadá al final de la estancia autorizada por el permiso de estudios.

¿Qué documentos se requieren para completar una solicitud de permiso de estudios canadiense?

  • Pasaporte del solicitante y de todos los miembros de la familia incluidos en la solicitud.
  • Dos fotos tamaño pasaporte para el solicitante y cada miembro de la familia incluido en la solicitud, con el nombre completo y la fecha de nacimiento escritos en la parte posterior.
  • Fotocopia del certificado de matrimonio, si aplica.
  • Cualquier otro documento requerido por las oficinas de visas específicas.

Comienza tu proceso hoy completando el formulario de evaluación en línea.

¿Cómo obtener un permiso de estudios canadiense desde España?

1. Ser aceptado en una Institución de Aprendizaje Designada (DLI)

Asegúrate de haber sido aceptado en una Institución de Aprendizaje Designada (DLI) en Canadá. Solo los estudiantes aceptados en una DLI pueden solicitar un permiso de estudios. Deberás proporcionar una carta de aceptación de la DLI al aplicar.

2. Verificar los Requisitos del Permiso de Estudios

Asegúrate de cumplir con los requisitos de elegibilidad para obtener un permiso de estudios canadiense:

  • Debes estar inscrito en una DLI.
  • Debes demostrar que puedes mantenerte financieramente durante tu estancia (matrícula, gastos de manutención y transporte de regreso).
  • Debes estar en buen estado de salud y es posible que necesites un examen médico.
  • No debes tener antecedentes penales (puede que necesites proporcionar un certificado policial).
  • Debes convencer al oficial de visa de que dejarás Canadá una vez finalizados tus estudios.

3. Preparar los Documentos Requeridos

  • Prueba de Aceptación: Carta de aceptación de la escuela canadiense.
  • Prueba de Identidad: Pasaporte válido y dos fotos tamaño pasaporte (con especificaciones concretas).
  • Prueba de Apoyo Financiero: Documentos que demuestren que puedes costear tu estancia en Canadá y pagar la matrícula. Ejemplos incluyen:
    • Estados de cuenta bancarios
    • Declaración jurada de apoyo de padres o patrocinadores, si corresponde
    • Prueba de beca o ayuda financiera, si corresponde
  • Carta de Propósito: Una carta explicando por qué deseas estudiar en Canadá, el programa elegido y tus planes después de graduarte.
  • Certificados Policiales (si se requieren).
  • Examen Médico (si se requiere): Dependiendo de tu país de residencia o de los países en los que hayas vivido, puede que necesites un examen médico.
  • Formulario de Solicitud de Visa: Completa el formulario para el permiso de estudios (IMM 1294).

4. Solicitar en Línea o a Través de un VAC (Centro de Solicitudes de Visas)

Puedes solicitar un permiso de estudios en línea a través del sitio web de Inmigración, Refugiados y Ciudadanía de Canadá (IRCC).
Alternativamente, puedes presentar tu solicitud a través del Centro de Solicitudes de Visas (VAC) en España.

  • Solicitud en Línea: Visita el sitio web oficial de IRCC y crea una cuenta para presentar tu solicitud.
  • Solicitud VAC: Puedes encontrar el VAC en España para presentaciones en persona o para realizarte la toma de biometría (si es necesario).
  • Biometría: Si se requiere, deberás proporcionar información biométrica (huellas dactilares y foto) en el VAC.

5. Pagar las Tarifas de Solicitud

Paga la tarifa de procesamiento para el permiso de estudios. Actualmente, es de aproximadamente 150 CAD para el permiso de estudios, además de una tarifa por biometría (si aplica, 85 CAD). Consulta el sitio web de IRCC para obtener las tarifas exactas y el método de pago.

6. Esperar el Procesamiento

Los tiempos de procesamiento pueden variar según tu situación individual. Generalmente, toma entre 4 y 6 semanas para recibir una decisión, pero puede ser más largo. Puedes hacer seguimiento del estado de tu solicitud en línea a través de tu cuenta IRCC.

7. Recibir Tu Permiso de Estudio

Si tu solicitud de permiso de estudios es aprobada, recibirás una Carta de Introducción al Puerto de Entrada (POE)y una visa (si se requiere para el ingreso). A tu llegada a Canadá, deberás presentar estos documentos al oficial de aduanas, quien te emitirá tu permiso de estudios en el puerto de entrada.

8. Viajar a Canadá

Una vez que tu permiso de estudios haya sido aprobado, podrás viajar a Canadá y comenzar tus estudios. Recuerda llevar todos los documentos (pasaporte, aprobación del permiso de estudios, documentos médicos o de antecedentes policiales, etc.) cuando ingreses a Canadá.

Consejos adicionales:

  • Trabajar Mientras Estudias: Puedes ser elegible para trabajar dentro o fuera del campus mientras estudias si cumples con los requisitos. Sin embargo, debes incluir las condiciones correctas en tu solicitud para esto.
  • Miembros de la Familia: Si planeas traer a miembros de tu familia (cónyuge, hijos), deberás solicitar sus visas y permisos por separado.
  • Extensión: Si necesitas extender tu permiso de estudios, puedes solicitar una extensión antes de que expire.

How to apply for a study permit for Canada from Spain? / ¿Cómo solicitar un permiso de estudios para Canadá desde España?

International students who obtain letter of acceptance (LOA) are able to apply for a study permit. Average decision period for study permits are between 4-16 weeks time. You could check processing time for a study permit by clicking here.

Beginning steps to check eligibility to get a study permit to study Canada as international student: 

  • Obtain a letter of acceptance from a designated learning institution in order to submit an application for a study permit
  • Obtain PAL (Provincial Attestation Letter)
  • Prove that he or she has sufficient financial support to cover the first year of tuition, as well as living expenses and return transportation to his or her home country
  • Obtain a Certificat d'acceptation du Quebec (Quebec Acceptance Certificate, or CAQ) if he or she wishes to study in Montreal or elsewhere in the Province of Quebec
  • Have clean record. Applicants with a criminal background, or who pose a risk to Canadian security, may be refused. IRCC may request an applicant to supply a police clearance certificate
  • Be in good health. IRCC may request an applicant to complete a medical examination; and,
  • Satisfy the immigration officer that he or she will leave Canada at the end of the stay authorized by the study permit.

What documents are required to complete a Canadian study permit application?

  • Passport for the applicant and every family member included on the application;
  • Two passport photos for the applicant and each family member included on the application, with the full name and date of birth written on the back;
  • Photocopy of marriage certificate, if applicable; and,
  • Any further documents required by specific visa offices.

  Start your Process Today by Completing the Online Assessment Form.

How to Obtain a Canadian Study Permit from the Spain? / ¿Cómo obtener un permiso de estudio canadiense en España?

  1. Get Accepted to a Designated Learning Institution (DLI)

    • Ensure you have been accepted into a Designated Learning Institution (DLI) in Canada. Only students who are accepted into a DLI can apply for a study permit.
    • You will need to provide a letter of acceptance from the DLI when applying.
  2. Check Study Permit Requirements

    • Ensure you meet the eligibility requirements for a Canadian study permit:
      • You must be enrolled at a DLI.
      • You need to prove you can financially support yourself during your stay (tuition fees, living expenses, and return transportation).
      • You must be in good health and may need a medical exam.
      • You should have no criminal record (you may need to provide a police certificate).
      • You must convince the visa officer that you will leave Canada once your studies are complete.
  3. Prepare Required Documents

    • Proof of Acceptance: The acceptance letter from your Canadian school.
    • Proof of Identity: Valid passport and two passport-sized photos (with specific specifications).
    • Proof of Financial Support: Documents proving you can afford to live in Canada and pay for tuition fees. Examples include:
      • Bank statements
      • Affidavit of support from parents or sponsors, if applicable
      • Proof of a scholarship or financial aid, if applicable
    • Statement of Purpose: A letter explaining why you want to study in Canada, your program of choice, and your plans after graduation.
    • Police Certificates (if required).
    • Medical Exam (if required): Depending on your country of residence or the countries you’ve lived in, you might need a medical exam.
    • Visa Application Form: Complete the form for the study permit (IMM 1294).
  4. Apply Online or Through VAC (Visa Application Center)

    • You can apply for a study permit online through the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website.
    • Alternatively, you can submit your application through the Visa Application Centre (VAC) in the Spain.
      • Online Application: Go to the official IRCC website and create an account to submit your application.
      • VAC Application: You can find the VAC in Spain. for in-person submissions or to get your biometrics done (if needed).
    • Biometrics: If required, you will need to provide biometric information (fingerprints and photo) at the VAC.
  5. Pay the Application Fees

    • Pay the processing fee for the study permit. As of now, it’s around CAD $150 for the study permit, plus a biometrics fee if applicable (CAD $85).
    • Check the IRCC website for the exact fees and the payment method.
  6. Wait for Processing

    • Processing times can vary depending on your individual situation. Generally, it takes around 4-6 weeks for a decision, but it could be longer.
    • Track the status of your application online through your IRCC account.
  7. Receive Your Study Permit

    • If your study permit application is approved, you will receive a Port of Entry (POE) Letter of Introduction and a visa (if required for entry).
    • Upon arrival in Canada, you will need to present these documents to the border officer who will issue your study permit at the port of entry.
  8. Travel to Canada

    • Once you have your study permit approved, you can travel to Canada and begin your studies.
    • Remember to carry all the documents (passport, study permit approval, medical or police clearance documents, etc.) with you when you enter Canada.

Additional Tips:

  • Work While Studying: You may be eligible to work on or off-campus while studying if you meet the requirements. However, you must include the correct conditions in your application for this.
  • Family Members: If you are planning to bring family members (spouse, children), you will need to apply for their visas and permits separately.
  • Extension: If you need to extend your study permit, you can apply for an extension before it expires.

Online Canadian Study Permit from Spain / Permiso de estudio canadiense en línea desde España

Find out your eligibility to apply for Canadian Study Permit from Spain / Descubra su elegibilidad para solicitar un permiso de estudio canadiense desde España

Purpose of Initial Consultation:

  • Assess applicant's eligibility
  • Review eligibility questions
  • Assist with choosing right program(s)
  • Assist with choosing right service(s)

When your study permit application is approved, the international student will receive:

  • A Letter of Introduction (LOI) confirming the approval. This letter is not the study permit. The prospective student will need to present the Letter of Introduction to the immigration official when arriving in Canada. The immigration official may then issue the study permit to the student.
  • An Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) if he or she is from a country whose citizens need an eTA. In such cases, the eTA is indicated on the Letter of Introduction.
    • As the eTA is linked to the applicant's passport, the applicant must travel with the passport used in the study permit application.
  • Temporary Resident Visa (TRV), if he or she is from a country whose citizens need a TRV.
    • The TRV will be in the passport. The holder must enter Canada before the expiry date on the TRV.
    • The TRV will also indicate if the holder can enter Canada only once (a single-entry visa) or multiple times (a multiple-entry visa). All applicants are automatically considered for multiple-entry TRVs.
    • An individual submitting an application for a study permit does not have to submit a separate application for a TRV. If the application is approved, the TRV will be issued along with the Letter of Introduction.

Applicants for a Canadian study permit are required to prove they have enough money to cover the first year of tuition fees. They also need to have the financial resources to support themselves, and any accompanying family members, each year.

Financial resources may be proven with the following information:

  • Canadian bank account statements in the applicant's name, if money has been transferred to Canada
  • Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) from a participating financial institution
  • Proof of a student or educational loan from a financial institution
  • The applicant's bank statements from the past four months
  • A bank draft in convertible currency
  • Proof of payment of tuition and accommodation fees
  • A letter from the person or institution providing you with money; and/or
  • Proof of a scholarship or funding paid from within Canada

Family or friends of the applicant may also submit letters confirming that they will support the applicant during his or her studies.

The following table show the amounts that a student is required to possess (all amounts in Canadian dollars):

Number of people All provinces except Quebec
Single student Tuition plus $10,000 for a 12-month period (or $833 per month)
For one accompanying family member add: $4,000 for a 12-month period (or $333 per month)
For each additional family member, add: $3,000 for a 12-month period per dependent child of any age (or $255 per month)

In Quebec, the financial requirements for prospective students are different. In addition to tuition fees, a prospective international student is required to show that he or she has the following funds, dependent on his or her situation.

Number of people Total amount required
One person under age 18 $6,569
One person age 18 or older $13,134
Two persons age 18 or older $19,264
One person over age 18 and one under age 18 $17,652
Two persons over age 18 and one under age 18 $21,579
Two persons over age 18 and two under age 18 $23,290

After obtaining a study permit, students may need to renew or change the study permit during the course of their studies in Canada. To learn more about renewing, extending, or changing the conditions of a study permit, click here.

If a student at a post-secondary institution wishes to change institutions, study program, or level of study he or she does not need to apply for a new study permit. However, he or she is required to update IRCC upon changing institutions. For example, a student may move from Bachelor level to Master's level, or from Geography to Philosophy, or from a college to a university, without applying for a new study permit. He or she does not need to apply for a change to the condition of the study permit. A student may study in Canada as long as the study permit is valid.

However, an international student moving from elementary school to high school, or from high school to a post-secondary institution, is required to apply for a change in the conditions of the study permit.

Study permits expire 90 days after graduation, regardless of the date printed on the study permit itself. It is extremely important that international graduates update their status with IRCC within 90 days of graduation, or they risk losing status in Canada.

Many graduates are eligible to apply for a Post-graduation Work Permit (PGWP). The PGWP allows the holder to work for any employer anywhere in Canada for up to three years after graduation. Work experience gained on a PGWP may help facilitate an application for Canadian permanent residence, especially through programs such as the Canadian Experience Class and certain Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) streams. Click here to view the list of Canadian immigration options you can pursue after studying in Canada.

If an international graduate does not apply for a PGWP, he or she may do the following to maintain legal status in Canada:

  • Apply to change status to a visitor;
  • Obtain another work permit if they are eligible for one (e.g., an employer-specific work permit);
  • Apply for another study permit to continue a different study program. For example, a graduate may wish to continue on to a Master's degree program after graduating with a Bachelor degree; or,
  • Leave Canada.

Minimum Requirements to Visit Canada

Visitors to Canada need to meet the following requirements;

  • Must possess a valid entry document like a passport.
  • Be of good health.
  • Have no criminal record.
  • Prove to the authorities that you have strong ties in your home country such as a family, assets and a job that will make you want to go back home.
  • Have enough funds for your stay in Canada.

When your business visitor visa application is approved, the foreign national will receive:

  • A Letter of Introduction (LOI) confirming the approval from the CIC.
  • An Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) if he or she is from a country whose citizens need an eTA. In such cases, the eTA is indicated on the Letter of Introduction.
    • As the eTA is linked to the applicant's passport, the applicant must travel with the passport used in the visitor visa permit application.
  • Temporary Resident Visa (TRV), if he or she is from a country whose citizens need a TRV.
    • The TRV will be in the passport. The holder must enter Canada before the expiry date on the TRV.
    • The TRV will also indicate if the holder can enter Canada only once (a single-entry visa) or multiple times (a multiple-entry visa). All applicants are automatically considered for multiple-entry TRVs.

Applicants for a Canadian business visa are required to prove they have enough money to cover the duration of their stay and return. They also need to have the financial resources to support themselves, and any accompanying family members.

Financial resources may be proven with the following information:

  • Canadian bank account statements in the applicant's name, if money has been transferred to Canada
  • Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) from a participating financial institution
  • Proof of a application has loan from a financial institution
  • The applicant's bank statements from the past four months
  • A bank draft in convertible currency
  • Proof of payment of place of stay and any accommodation fees
  • A letter from the person providing you with money; and/or
  • Proof of a support from business partner in Canada.

Family or friends of the applicant may also submit letters confirming that they will support the applicant during his or her studies.

The following table show the amounts that a student is required to possess (all amounts in Canadian dollars):

Number of people All provinces except Quebec
Single person $10,000 for a 12-month period (or $833 per month)
For one accompanying family member add: $4,000 for a 12-month period (or $333 per month)
For each additional family member, add: $3,000 for a 12-month period per dependent child of any age (or $255 per month)

In Quebec, the financial requirements for prospective visitors are different. 

Number of people Total amount required
One person under age 18 $6,569
One person age 18 or older $13,134
Two persons age 18 or older $19,264
One person over age 18 and one under age 18 $17,652
Two persons over age 18 and one under age 18 $21,579
Two persons over age 18 and two under age 18 $23,290

As you travel to Canada, you and any other family member travelling with you should carry all the necessary travel documents and identification papers for. This helps you avoid unnecessary delays as you board a plane to Canada.

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