Start Your Canadian Study Permit Process from UAE! / ابدأ عملية الحصول على تصريح الدراسة الكندي من الإمارات العربية المتحدة!
Find out how you could obtain Study Permit from UAE and obtain Permanent Residence by study in Canada as international student from UAE. / اكتشف كيف يمكنك الحصول على تصريح دراسة من الإمارات العربية المتحدة والحصول على الإقامة الدائمة عن طريق الدراسة في كندا كطالب دولي من الإمارات العربية المتحدة.
How to apply for a study permit for Canada from UAE? / كيفية التقدم بطلب للحصول على تصريح دراسة لكندا من الإمارات؟
International students who obtain letter of acceptance (LOA) are able to apply for a study permit. Average decision period for study permits are between 4-16 weeks time. You could check processing time for a study permit by clicking here.
Beginning steps to check eligibility to get a study permit to study Canada as international student:
- Obtain a letter of acceptance from a designated learning institution in order to submit an application for a study permit
- Obtain PAL (Provincial Attestation Letter)
- Prove that he or she has sufficient financial support to cover the first year of tuition, as well as living expenses and return transportation to his or her home country
- Obtain a Certificat d'acceptation du Quebec (Quebec Acceptance Certificate, or CAQ) if he or she wishes to study in Montreal or elsewhere in the Province of Quebec
- Have clean record. Applicants with a criminal background, or who pose a risk to Canadian security, may be refused. IRCC may request an applicant to supply a police clearance certificate
- Be in good health. IRCC may request an applicant to complete a medical examination; and,
- Satisfy the immigration officer that he or she will leave Canada at the end of the stay authorized by the study permit.
What documents are required to complete a Canadian study permit application?
- Passport for the applicant and every family member included on the application;
- Two passport photos for the applicant and each family member included on the application, with the full name and date of birth written on the back;
- Photocopy of marriage certificate, if applicable; and,
- Any further documents required by specific visa offices.
Start your Process Today by Completing the Online Assessment Form.